Create Your Personal Health Record
Personal Health Record
A Personal Health Record (PHR) is a document or collection of information about your health, healthcare, and health history. PHR’s are different from Electronic Health Records (EHR) or Electronic Medical Records (EMR) as those are collected, stored, and owned by your healthcare provider.
importance of a PHR
A PHR is a valuable collection of information to have, and it is important to review and update it regularly. It’s a good idea to keep copies of your health records contained in one folder or area. As someone with a Nursing background, I am aware health organizations are typically not ‘linked’ and therefore may not have access to your earlier records. Should you move (whether it’s to a different health district or different country) your long-term health information might not follow you easily!
I have personally found it beneficial to have lab and test results etc. from various doctors/practitioners and different time-periods (ex. 5 and more years ago) in order to note trends or changes over time. Information such as dates and type of surgeries or procedures can be very helpful to have ‘on hand’ and available in one spot (think contained, clear, and concise) as you move into and forward through all the ages and stages of life.
Information to include
Software packages are available online to assist you in preparing your PHR, yet it can be (and is!) as easy as keeping a folder with your info and test results, including:
- List of healthcare providers with their contact information (Doctors, Dentist, Chiropractor, Coach, Naturopath etc.)
- Your emergency contact(s), their information and relationship to you
- Any medications you are taking along with their dosages
- A list of your past medications
- Your diagnosed conditions and allergies
- Previous lab and test results
- Dates and information about important events, surgeries, or procedures
- Family medical history
Assistance with your PHR
If the idea of organizing your health and wellness information into a concise Personal Health Record appeals to you, or you would like more information about creating and maintaining a PHR, connect with me at Or schedule a free intro call to discuss working with me through the ‘Scheduling’ link; with my health education background and certifications in planning and management, I would enjoy helping create yours today!
the skin health coach: PHR’s
Providing clear and concise wellness planning and documentation for Personal Health Records